Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Killer Dogs

Okay so this is just one of those things that some people think is funny and it really isn't. If you have a little dog, don't name it Killer, Giant, Thor, or any other retarded name like that. Your dog isn't even as tall as my ankle!!! It isn't a KILLER!!! You need to stick with a name that fits the dog. Pookie. Fluffy. Paul. These are good little dog names. Oh and lets not forget all the stupid people out there that call their dog "Cat" and their cat "Dog". If you are trying to be funny you really aren't trying hard enough or you just don't have a good sense of humor. I really hate people that have these pets named Goliath that are just little rat dogs and to top it all off they go and put them in little outfits and make them walk around and show off the new clothes the dog got at the mall. And to all those people that bring their little dogs into the grocery store and pet the dog then handle the produce and pet the dog and then put the produce back, I WANT TO KILL YOU AND YOUR DOG!!! Don't bring your dog in the store. It can stay home for the few minutes it takes to do your shopping. Its won't die, but if it does its probably for the better so that you can go and get a real dog. If you want to have something to carry around in your over sized purse then go to the toy store and buy a doll and keep it in there. Its a lot cheaper and it won't crap all over your purse. So bottom line, don't have a small itty bitty dog, and if you do, don't call it killer or something like that and for every ones sake, don't take it to the store with you.

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