Thursday, August 6, 2009

Some Peoples Kids and Some Kids People

Okay so this is a big one for me because I work at and live in an apartment complex that has around 200 kids running around at all times of day and night doing all sorts of thing, getting in all sorts of trouble and raising all sorts of hell. I see almost every day little kids not even old enough to go to school and up to the age of twelve running around at midnight in shorts with no shoes or shirt. When you catch them doing something wrong, (i.e. breaking sprinkler heads or throwing balls at windows) and you try to stop them and discipline them, even in the slightest of scoldings, their parents come running out of the house and yell at you that you have no right telling their kids what to do but then never tell them no to anything or do any type of disciplining. What is happening with this new generation? What is going on with parents now? Does no one care about what their children are going to become in the world? I just want to go up to people and shake them and yell "What the hell?" And for the kids that are being taught this way that they don't have to follow any rules or do what is told to them by adults I feel real sorry for them when they grow up a little and they find out that life is hard and there is a lot of things out there that they are not going to be able to do. I feel sorry for the kids, the parents, and the people that have to deal with this kind of thing day in and day out. I mean really sorry. They are going to have to learn the hard way what life is really like. So no wonder gangs are becoming more popular and crime is so high.

Now what can we do to fix this epidemic in our wonderful nation? Well first, don't have kids til you know that you are really ready for it and then think hard and plan it out before having twelve kids that you can't even support let alone supervise and pay enough attention to. If you are never ready to have kids then its probably a good thing if you don't have any. People should have to go through classes and get permits in order to even have kids in some situations. Second thing that we can do to help this is WATCH YOUR KIDS AND DISCIPLINE THEM!!!!! Oh but you love your kids so much and you want them to be happy and be able to do what ever they want and be care free. Okay fine but how much do you really love them if you are letting your toddler run around, playing in the streets, at MIDNIGHT!? I think you just don't want to watch them so you let everyone else babysit them. Well I am sick of it and every day more and more kids go missing from their homes or yards and I'm 100% sure that this is not helping kids stay safe. And some people are surprised when they here that another kid has gone missing or is lost or hit by a car. It is tragic but there are simple and easy solutions. WATCH YOUR KIDS AND DISCIPLINE THEM. Oh and if I have to discipline your kids for making more work for me and destroying things then it is your fault and it is you that really needs to wake up and needs to be disciplined and maybe you will get a visit from Child Protective Services because I called them and told them all about how you live and watch your children.

1 comment:

  1. How DARE you speak about me and my kids like that?! Hehehehe, wink wink.
    I totally agree, how annoying that would be, especially in your position...that just sucks, definitely a Think That Must Go. :)
    Cool blog, dude, thumbs up!
