Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The New Beginning

Okay so this is going to be a blog about things that bother me and what I do or will try to do to fix those things. First off I don't know if I will post regularly or not because it might bother me to much to do so or I might really blog a lot if I'm REALLY bothered. Either way we will find out.

Okay so first thing that bothers me and continues to happen to me. People that are visiting from or moved from another country that are not even citizens that yell at me and tell me that I am not a good American. For that matter anyone that says that I'm not a good or a real American. I have done my time in the U.S. Army and protected and served. Where do you get off and what are you trying to achieve by telling me that I'm no good? I mean really! If you go and become a great war hero and save hundreds or thousands of lives and win the Medal Of Honor then I will start listening to you or even if you do something that is the most American that possible than i will start listening but when people that don't even know who I am or what I do or anything about me start yelling at me and insulting me in this way I just can't take it and want to close our borders and say no more outsiders, no more foreigners, and lets build a giant wall all the way around our country and do what we need to do to be self sufficient. I think we need to be more self sufficient any way and not outsourse every thing but then I'm not incharge of the country nor do I want to be.

Now what I do to try to have people respect and understand me and what America is about. I simply say in a nice, calm, and even voice, "I have served my country and shed blood, sweat, and tears for it and when you decide that you are going to talk to me in a calm and non-threatening manner, I will be over there. Until then I don't have anything else to say to you." It has worked and it has not. Some people get real mad and some people step back and realize what they are doing and fix things. So that is where I am going to start my complaints and solutions.

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